Investment and Insurance under Your Business That Benefits You

Investment and Insurance under Your Business That Benefits You

We frequently develop tax planning strategies for high net worth individuals. We attempt to minimize their current taxes and develop a long term strategic plan that will minimize their taxes on and after retirement. In some cases, the plan may involve a non-resident aspect, an estate freeze, or the use of trusts. The plan may also focus on investment strategies, retirement plans, and creative uses of insurance.

Retirement may seem like it is a long way off, but it is never too early to begin preparing for it. This begins with a solid plan which focuses on your long term goals for retirement and making sure that you have the financial security that you require to fulfill them.

It is also important to plan for what will happen after you are gone. You need to make sure that your loved ones are taken care of. If you have a business, it is even more important to make sure that you have a succession plan in place to make sure that there is a smooth transition.

Our tax planning services are offered by our knowledgeable tax practitioners and include customizing owner-manager remuneration packages, providing advice of making interest tax deductible, income splitting, setting up trusts, together with retirement, estate and succession planning to minimize income taxes on death and a variety of many other tax planning strategies, as outlined on this web site.